Radioulnar Glides (Pronation)
Purpose: To restore motion to the radius and improve pronation and supination range of motion.
Procedure: The patient sitting in a chair with their elbow and forearm resting on the table. To facilitate pronation range of motion, the therapist should preposition the patient’s forearm to end-range pronation and place their thumbs on the medial aspect of the patient’s proximal radius. The therapist provides Lateral glides to the radial head as indicated. To facilitate supination range of motion: The therapist should preposition the patient’s forearm into end-range supination and place their thumbs on the lateral aspect of the patient’s proximal radius. The therapist provides medial glides to the radial head as indicated.
Radioulnar Glides (Supination)
Purpose: To restore motion to the radius and improve supination range of motion.
Procedure: The patient sitting in a chair with their elbow and forearm resting on the table. To facilitate supination range of motion, the therapist should preposition the patient’s forearm into end-range supination and place their thumbs on the lateral aspect of the patient’s proximal radius. The therapist provides medial glides to the radial head as indicated.