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PA Glides (Supine)

Purpose: To assess motion at specific cervical segments, to facilitate improvements in cervical ROM, and to diminish cervical pain. 

Start:  The patient starts in supine with the therapist standing at patient’s head.  The therapist supports the patient’s head and neck with the long axis of index fingers placed perpendicular to the target segment.

Procedure: While keeping the patient's face parallel to the treatment table, the therapist lifts the patients head and neck off the table, gliding the target segment in the direction of the patient’s eyes.  The therapist can note the movement of the targeted segment. 

Comments: To facilitate increased motion on the left, glide the head in a diagonal path to the right in the direction of the patient’s eyes. To increase motion on the right, glide the head in a diagonal path to the left in the direction of the patient’s eyes.   

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