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Lumbar PA Glides

Purpose: To increase motion and/or decrease pain at lumbar spinal segments.  

Start: The patient starts in prone with their head and arms resting in a position of patient comfort.  The therapist stands to the side of the plinth, level with the patient’s lumbar spine.  

Procedure:  The therapist palpates the target segment and places the pisiform and hypothenar eminence of the hand on the spinous process of that segment.  The therapist places their contralateral hand on top of the palpating hand and provides a posterior to anterior glide. 

Comments:  The therapist can also use a V-shaped dummy purchase on the transverse processes of the target spinal segment with the other hand providing pressure through the dummy fingers. 

To provide unilateral glides, the therapist places the pisiform of the bottom hand on the transverse process of the target segment and provides posterior to anterior glides

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