Cervical NAGS
Purpose: To relieve cervical pain and increase cervical ROM.
Start: Patient is seated. Therapist stands facing the patient with the patient’s head cradled in their anterior shoulder.
Procedure: The therapist wraps one arm around the back of the patient’s head stabilizing the skull. The other hand is placed at the desired spinal segment with the thenar eminence just under or on top of the 5th digit of the stabilizing hand. An anterior/superior force is applied on the spinal segment in the direction of the patient’s eyes. The glide should be performed in gentle oscillations near end range. The oscillations should be at a speed of roughly 3 per second.
Comment: The patient must be seated with lumbar lordosis. Gentle traction or flexion could be applied with the motion. Like all Mulligan techniques this should be pain free. On the first day of treatment only one set of 8-10 reps should be done to avoid excessive soreness.