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Anterior Innominate
Muscle Energy Technique (MET) in Supine

Purpose: To treat an anteriorly rotated innominate in SI dysfunction. 

Start:  The patient starts in hooklying. 

Procedure: The therapist places the affected leg into end range hip flexion and rests the patient’s knee on their shoulder. The therapist places both hands around the patient’s affected leg just proximal to the knee. The therapist instructs the patient to push their leg down into the therapist’s shoulder to create a submaximal contraction through the glutes and hamstrings. The contractions should be held for 5-10 seconds with roughly 20 second rest breaks for 3-5 sets. 

Anterior Innominate
Muscle Energy Technique (MET) in Sidelying

Purpose: To treat an anteriorly rotated innominate in SI dysfunction. 

Start:  The patient starts in sidelying on their non involved side. 

Procedure: The patient lies with their affected side up. The top leg is placed into hip and knee flexion resting on the therapists abdomen. The therapist uses one hand to support the top leg, and the other hand to keep the patients bottom leg in extension. Again, the patient is instructed to push into the therapist creating a submaximal contraction through their glutes and hamstrings.

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